Creative Consultation Group Seminar
90 minute Group online Seminar
Tuesday 15th March 16:00-17:30 GMT (RRP £180+)
This seminar is a fantastic opportunity to unpick the hidden truths in our creative industry and to ask your own personal questions relating to your own artistic business journey. With over 30 years of industry AND business experience, I look forward to sharing these hidden gems with you and hopefully inspiring you to thrive in your own arts community.
Find out how to follow your creative path and build a thriving performing arts enterprise.
BUY THE BOOK NOW and receive a consultation on your creative career or business! Send a proof of purchase to get your free group coaching session with Tomorr.
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Straight from the heart no nonsense wisdom that will be life changing for any artist that wants to be the best version of themselves. A highly recommended read.
Farooq Chaudhry OBE (Order of The British Empire), Executive Producer, Akram Khan Company
Invaluable reading for those who struggle with the business side of show business.
Daniel Dresner, Leading Creative Industry Coach
All too often, artists focus on their own talent, hoping it will sell itself forgetting the practicalities that will allow people to enjoy and benefit from such talent. Tomorr has captured it all. This is a must-read for anyone contemplating setting up their own business within the performing arts field. I’d go even further to say that it offers a sound, easy-to-follow path to anyone with expertise in any field considering becoming independent. Beautifully written from the heart with lots of real-life examples, Tomorr has generously shared his own, often difficult, often exciting, path in the performing arts. Well done Tomorr!
Pat Hutchinson, Director, Quadrant 1 International Ltd